3 Real 3-D Printing Trends to Watch | MDDI Medical Device and Diagnostic Industry News Products and Suppliers


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3 Real 3-D Printing Trends to Watch

Posted in Printing Services by Chris Wiltz on May 12, 2014

Let's separate the wheat from the chaff and look at how 3-D printing is really affecting medtech.


Let's face facts, as cool as 3-D printing is there's a lot of hyperbole to sort through. If you believe everything you hear 3-D printing is going to let us create artificial organs from scratch. It's going to change every step of manufacturing, it's going to let us print it's going to let us print guns in our homes. And all of that will just be the start.

The truth is it's going to be a while before 3-D Printing brings the stuff of science fiction into reality. But that's not to say there isn't progress being made. If you sort through the noise you'll find 3-D printing is actually making a real impact today in healthcare.
Click through to see the real 3-D printing trends you should be paying attention to:

Discover the latest trends and advancements in 3-D Printing at the MD&M East ConferenceJune 9-12, 2014

-Chris Wiltz, Associate Editor, MD+DI




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